Monday 7 January 2013

January Meeting

Meeting tonight @ 6.30pm at the school, all welcome.  Here are the last meetings minutes.

Minutes for Glen Stewart Primary Home and School, November 5, 2012

Welcome by Kara Jain Co-Chair as Sheri Bruce sent her regrets
Approval of September minutes moved by Kara Jain and seconded by Kathryn Rajamarie
Canadian Parents for French presentation
Gail and Dottie presented a discussion about CPF. There is a chapter at Glen Stewart Primary that started four years ago. There have been a number of activities, bingo, amazing race, etc. They are wondering if Home and School would be interested in partnering with them to have a liason on the Home and School Committee. It was discussed that the Home and school executive would discuss and table it at the next Home and School meeting in January.
Principal’s Report by Pat Campbell
Ms. Campbell reviewed the newsletter. Remarked that the Occupation Therapy service is back – Yvonne Thompson is the school’s OT.
There was a smart board donation by Vogue Optical ($2000.00). There was a picture in the Guardian.
The PEI Rocket players have visited the school.
During the Remembrance Day assembly In Flanders Field was going to be read.
The Town of Stratford had an artist in residence and the artist was going to work with each class for three hours. Terry Stevenson was the artist this year.
School development this year is in writing. The teachers have collaborative teams for each grade- have goals for each year. There was some discussion about perhaps having a parent writing night.
The Dental clinic was going to be starting on November 9th.

Chair’s comments
There are 4 more scheduled meetings for the year January, February, April and May.
The magazine sales are done the prizes will be delivered to the classrooms shortly. The Home and School blog is up and running. Discussed trying to get the agenda and the minutes up a week before the next meeting.
The Christmas Craft Fair was set to take place on November 23rd and 24th.
There was discussion of trying to get Santa to come to the classrooms and have pictures taken with Santa for a cost of $2.00 to go to the breakfast program.
The Best Seats in the house tickets were going to be sold for $1.00 each for each night of the concerts. Marilyn has agreed to take the winners to their seats.
Cath wants to make some changes to the blog and will update on that in the coming months.
There was discussion regarding $5000.00 that the Town of Stratford has in its budget for us. There was discussion as to what the money would go towards. The Town wanted the school to match it. There was discussion regarding spending money on playground equipment for the back playground. The company we would purchase it from had agreed to store it. Glen Stewart would use the money from the Spring Fling.
Kara made a request to approve the funding, Patricia Callaghan seconded it. (Thanks to Patricia for her work in this regard)
Questions as to how the proceeds from the Spring Fling and Craft Fair were to be split.
Treasurer’s report
Lisa sent her regrets so there was no treasurers report.New Items
Jodi Zver – mentioned that PEI 2014 had a former parent from Glen Stewart Primary running it. There is an application process and any community group is eligible.
There is graffiti on the soccer nets. In the spring perhaps parents can paint the nets.
We have no information as to the cost of the security lighting for the playground.
Next meeting Monday, January 7th at 6:30 pm.

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